Exothermic Flux

Exothermic flux is a general purpose flux to be used where dross must be kept hot for some time or under cold condition. This flux is specially formulated for use both in crucibles and reverberatory operations. It acts both as other metal oxides. The strong exothermic reaction between oxides and flux permit the use of relatively small amount of flux to effect the separation of dross oxides.


Add exothermic flux at the rate of approximately 2 kgs of flux to 1000 kgs of metal charge depends on scrap conditions. Use half part of flux and sprees over the metal surface evenly at the beginning of heat then charge metal through this cover until they melt and ready to be skimmed. Turn off burners and observe dross. Break any large lumps with skimmer and rake dross and turn on burners for several minutes, and again observe the metal bead the
combination of fluxing and firing should finish the job. Dross should be appear light, powdery, any free of excessive metal.

Storage Handling

DR – EF1090 is packed in paper bag with moisture-resistant plastic inner to ensure that it arrives in perfect condition. Care should be taken to prevent moisture pick up after the bag have been opened and during storage.